Our partners

Sähëlï Hub’s success is made possible by the important partnerships that we develop with funders, commissioners, national governing bodies of sport and other partner organisations at local, regional and national level. To us, partnership meansdeveloping and sustaining long-term programmes of activities and sport that help participants to get and remain active.

Over two decades, we have developed a successful model which operates inneighbourhoods across Birmingham. We aim to be a systems partner, thinking and advocating strategically, as well as delivering locally. Sähëlï Hub is an exemplar of how to engage, support and tackle inequality and participation in health, physical activity and sport for communities living in the disadvantaged communities.

Our work this year has helped us to recognise our place in the system – how we are real leaders in our field, not just in Birmingham but countrywide. As an organisation used to stretching and supporting everyone we can, we now really want to focus on how we change a system that has always ‘done to us’ rather than supported, developed or grown us. We are building a foundation that is strong and has capacity to lead as well as to deliver.

All of this means that we develop partnerships that enable the delivery of long-term services to people in our communities, rather than short-term projects which are here today, gone tomorrow. This is a foundation stone of what we call the Sähëlï Way, helping us to build and maintain strong relationships with our participants and our communities.

We’d like to thank and acknowledge the support of the our current partners…

Start your adventure with Sähëlï Hub...


“I have lost 3 stone because I had a routine with Sähëlï which pushed me to eat well alongside all the encouragement they gave me to get fit.I show others now, how to get involved in being more active.”

Nas 41

This morning has been one of the best mornings of my life! At the tender age of 27, I have finally managed to learn how to ride a bike. A massive thank you to the Sähëlï Hub – amazing instructors, full of life and smiles in the morning with lots of encouragement. I couldn’t have done it without this group. Love it!

Samia 27

I lost my husband three weeks before I found Sähëlï Hub. They helped me to get myself together without being a burden on my family.

Tina 48

These sessions are amazing – a choice of fitness classes or badminton. I can’t wait to go to sleep on Thursday night as I can’t wait to get up on Friday morning and play badminton and see the usual crowd.


An excellent class. Something I look forward to every week. Beneficial in every way – physical, emotional and social. Thank You.


Active Communities
The Active Wellbeing Society
Holistic Interventions
Sport England
Birmingham City Council
Clarion Futures
Heart of England Community Foundation
Canal & River Trust
LTA Tennis Foundation
Birmingham & Solihull Integrated Care System
Archery GB
BEC Primary Care Network
Birmingham Community Matters
Bordesley East PCN
Cycling UK
England Squash
Hall Green Communities
Washwood Heath Primary Care Network
Yardley Neighbourhood Network Scheme